
Errori durante il pagamento
If you encountered errors during the payment process, and the purchase failed without receiving the product, here are some reasons why your payment might have failed:

- Insufficient funds

- Incorrect payment information

- Issues with the payment method

- VPN or AdBlock interference

- Authorization issues with the payment method

- Inactive card

Quali sono i metodi di pagamento disponibili su KeySpectr?
We offer a range of secure payment options to ensure a smooth experience for all our customers.

You can choose from Mastercard, Maestro, and Visa.
Cosa devo fare se la mia transazione non è andata a buon fine?
Please consider the following suggestions:

- Check your bank’s online settings to ensure you can make international and online payments with the card you’re using.

- Verify all the information you entered to make sure everything is accurate and up-to-date. 

- Confirm that you have sufficient funds in the payment method you’re trying to use.

- Ensure that 3D-Secure is active on your card and use it when making your purchase.

Alternatively, we recommend contacting your card provider directly to find out why the payments are not being approved.

Posso ottenere un rimborso dopo aver ricevuto la chiave?
According to our Privacy Policy, refunds are only available if the gaming key purchased is determined to be invalid or non-functional.  To qualify for a refund, you must provide clear and unedited video evidence demonstrating that the key is not valid. This video should include the process of entering the key, the resulting error message or issue encountered and the date and time visible on your device during the recording, if possible.